
Good match

Love both of them
 singer:Yukimi from Little Dragon
 music:Shuya Okino

       I own both of their albums but did not know they work together.

  try little dragon's album too. you will enjoy her unique voice.

being Flexible

     One of my favorite magazine is SHAPE.

 They had a good article about Stretching. Each of the exercises they showed in this magazine is a dynamic stretch. It will increases flexibility through movement, rather than by simply holding a position.
I've been doing this and every time feel So great!

1 Plie Reach (stretches inner and outer thighs, arms, shoulders, and back)
    ● Stand with feet wide, toes turned out and raise arms overhead.
    ● Squat deep and lower arms in front of you, elbows touching knees and palms facing forward.
    ● Pull right shoulder back as you raise right arm, then twist in opposite direction, raising left arm, Rise up
       to starting position. Do 8 times.

2 Low Lunge (Stretches legs, butt, and back)
   ● Lunge forward with left leg untill thigh is parallel to floor, and place hands on floor on either side of left
   ● Rause left arm straight up toward ceilling as you rotate left shoulder back.
      Lower hand to starting position.

  They had 6 diffrent stretches but I shere with you only 2.

体にもやさしいしお薦めです。 英語ですが、6つ紹介されていたうちの2つを書いてみました。