
a button shop

I do not know if it is only in Japan which hard to find good button shop.
sometimes, when you buy new clothes you feel like to change the buttons.
button makes big different. ( the looks of your clothes)

so I was so happy to find this shop today. I need to tell about this shop to my Mother.



shaved ice 2

I know this shop for a long time. Very long time and I think this is my No 1 shaved ice shop!

When we got there already many people were waiting...in humid and hot weather.

I ordered pineapple.

friend ordered mango.

and papaya

ひさーーーしぶりに食べに行きました。 やっぱりいつもパイナップルを頼んでしまいます。
真ん中はマンゴー、一番下はパパイヤです。 また行きたい!!今日も熱い中並びました・・・

☆about shop

tiny gallery

Walked a lot today.

went to the tiny gallery. (mainly they sell nice selected books and CDs)

these are paper weights. rain drop shape.

ちいさなギャラリースペースのある本屋さんへ行きました。 とにかく良く歩いた午後・・・・