
being Flexible

     One of my favorite magazine is SHAPE.

 They had a good article about Stretching. Each of the exercises they showed in this magazine is a dynamic stretch. It will increases flexibility through movement, rather than by simply holding a position.
I've been doing this and every time feel So great!

1 Plie Reach (stretches inner and outer thighs, arms, shoulders, and back)
    ● Stand with feet wide, toes turned out and raise arms overhead.
    ● Squat deep and lower arms in front of you, elbows touching knees and palms facing forward.
    ● Pull right shoulder back as you raise right arm, then twist in opposite direction, raising left arm, Rise up
       to starting position. Do 8 times.

2 Low Lunge (Stretches legs, butt, and back)
   ● Lunge forward with left leg untill thigh is parallel to floor, and place hands on floor on either side of left
   ● Rause left arm straight up toward ceilling as you rotate left shoulder back.
      Lower hand to starting position.

  They had 6 diffrent stretches but I shere with you only 2.

体にもやさしいしお薦めです。 英語ですが、6つ紹介されていたうちの2つを書いてみました。

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