
Indian Curry

Went to Indian curry restaurant for lunch today.
Ordered 1 Hottest curry level 10 (hottest), Mid level 5 curry and level 1.

Hottest one.

Middle level one.

Mild one.

You can tell very easy when you see the color of curry.

the person who ordered hottest one very regret to get that because he even could not taste of curry.
just burn his inside mouth
even middle level curry was almost too hot to her who ordered.

10を頼んだ本人はかなり後悔してました。もうひたすら口の中が痛くてカレーの味が分からない・・・ アホ&残念ですね。


New cafe

went to new cafe today. used to be an Italian restaurant before.

an atmosphere was not bad. I like very high ceiling.

but unfortunately taste of coffee was ....awful. I will never ever go back there again.

大好きな天井の高い建物はそのまま・・・・しかし!!!コーヒーのお味が・・・・あまりにも不味すぎる! 悲しいですが、二度と行きません。 残念です。コンビニで買うコーヒーのほうがよっぽど美味しいです。