
Zucchero & Eric Clapton

Love this song!! Wonderful World.

I am big fan of  Zucchero for a long time. He sings in English too but nice to hear in his native tongue Italian.
If you can, try his album sold in Starbucks while ago.

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incense and lacquer craft

 In winter, I enjoy Japanese incense.
Usually I love Lavender Tee tree oil mint Neroli and eucalyptus oil.
My favorites Japanese incense in the pic is aloes-wood(伽羅). Very classic and deep smell.

Lacquer is a viscous liquid that exudes from under the bark of the lacquer tree. This liquid is refined and mixed with pigment. By applying a layer of the mixture to the surface of an object and then drying it in air of an appropriate humidity, a coating is obtained that is highly adhesive and resistant to damp and corrosion.Usually, a number of thin layers are applied, each layer being dried before the next application.
I am using this little accessory case for my