
The books I am going to read 4

美しくなるにつれて若くなる (ランティエ叢書)Masako Shirasu was writer and essayist. She had good eyes for collecting antiques.
Her books being read by all generations. It is important for each period in history to have a "seeing eye" that directs people to discover what beauty is and how it can be found in the most obvious places. Shirasu was that eye for a time.

随筆家であり美しい物の目利きだった白洲正子さんの本です。私は個人的にご主人の白洲次郎の大、大、大ファン(ファンという言葉は軽い響きですが・・・)です。もう彼に関する本はすべて読んでいるといっても大げさでありません。  まだ注文したばかりで、この本を読んでいませんが届くのが楽しみです

しりたがりやの こいぬとおひさま (世界の絵本)This is my favorites children book! The title is Curious Puppy and Sun. I have one in the U.S and one just ordered today for in Japan.
Found cartoon film from YouTube!!!! 
From Czech Republic.


The Japanese Iced Coffee Method

This demo is very simple and easy to follow.  I never thought coffee in Japan is great.
But when I lived in the U.S hard to find nice one. Most of coffee I had was VERY weak like brown water.......you can find good one easy in the big city but not in country side.
