
Vacation 1

Even for short amount of time I could relax very much.
Love tropical weather!

Want Them !

 Please take a time to check this site.
Table top - Accessories EVERYTHING on this site I want.


Sue Fisher King


coming home from island today.  今日わたくし南の島からもどってきます。


coffee tour 8

 this cafe to me hard to find. Miss. Green took me there.
feel like relaxing at friends house.

we did not know trading hour passed. (sorry!!)



recipe from Cookbook 4 (PARIYA)

   few days ago, I said I may introduce you their (PARIYA's) recipe in English so I am going to now.
Now I am in tropical island and not going to up my vacation pics now. ( after come back home them I will)

  1. Sour cream & Onion ring Poteto Salad. serves:4
garlic powder....moderate amount
solt.....moderate amount

A:sauce                                                          B:onion rings
  sour cream...150g                                            onion.....1
 mayonnaise....45cc                                           flour.....moderate amount
 crazy solt(harb&solt mix)..1 tablespoon          beaten egg..moderate amount
 yogurt...2 tablespoons                                      breadcrmb....moderate amount
  boil potetoes peel skin then mashed.
  put garlic powder and solt then cool it down.
  solt ......1or 2 pinch
chili powder....little
cooking oil.....moderate amount

  onions for poteto salad:thin sliced and immerse them in cold water then let drain.

●How to cook
   1.mix all A(sause) ingredients in the bawl.
   then put mashed potetoes and cliced onion into the bowl then mix.

   2.onions for B slice in round 1cm thickness
   put flour→beaten egg→breadcrmb then fry in 180℃ cooking oil
   3.put chili powder and solt

   4. put 1 in to  the serving dish then put 2 on top of the potetoes.




flower & cafe

 Went to flower shop few days ago. They get coffee beans from the shop I went before.
This time wanted to see their flower arrangement. (no coffee)  I love their selection of flowers.

 I will be back soon and have a cup of tea or coffee.


Kanon is the name of this shop.


music from PINA

 Great movie call PINA.  (Pina Bausch)



Fleet Foxes (music)

Drops in the river.
If you have a chance, try their latest album.↓
So beautiful melody.

Cookbook 4

Today's books are only in Japanese so I may try to introduce you few recipes in English later.
PARIYA's book already I mentioned before but because their food are  so nice I took picture again.
Bigger book has PARIYA's menu too. (+Other Deli recipes)

    for PARIYA ↓

 <a href="http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4757218958/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=erikun03-22&linkCode=as2&camp=247&creative=1211&creativeASIN=4757218958">PARIYAの野菜たっぷりデリごはん</a><img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.jp/e/ir?t=erikun03-22&l=as2&o=9&a=4757218958" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

 for  bigger book ↓

<a href="http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4873037964/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=erikun03-22&linkCode=as2&camp=247&creative=1211&creativeASIN=4873037964">人気のデリそうざい (ORANGE PAGE BOOKS)</a><img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.jp/e/ir?t=erikun03-22&l=as2&o=9&a=4873037964" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
だって食べたい!!と思えるからです。野菜たっぷりだし。 近いうちに英語で少しレシピを紹介使用と思います。


book shop & gallery

I went this shop before when they close.....
finally could go! wanted to see Mike Mills Poster Exhibition. Can you see the sign?

want to live at same building. One room for the rent.You can visit this shop every day.


On Reading/Elvis Press.

She got moves! (90 years old lady)

  This is so encouragement to me.(belive for others too)
being positive and fun!

         can't belive she can keep dancing over 4 min.




Bookshelf 1

 Going & trying to post friends or somebody I could get permission to take pictures of their
bookshelf on this blog.  I always enjoy when I could see someones bookshelf in magazines.(like interior magazine) Bookshelf can tell what kind of person you are.  Many people are using i Pad or kindle (or other divises) for read the books and no need to own or bring with them when they go out.

Some people use books for just as decoration.

other part of her bookshelf....

Thanks for your cooperation Miss.Green.
いろいろな人の本棚にとても興味があります。本棚を見るとその人の好み、性格?もある程度わかります。最近はi padや他のデバイスで本を読めるので実際の本を持ち歩いたり、購入する人が少ないかもしれません。本を本棚やインテリアの飾りとしか使わない人もいます。

SOME NIGHTS by Fun. (music)

Keep listening their new album some nights. Specially 1, some nights 2, All alone and 3,One foot.

would love to go to their live!  ↓  One Foot.    Please come to Japan!!!!



Fun.の新しいアルバム some nights を聞き続けています。あーライブに行ってみたい。

<iframe src="http://rcm-jp.amazon.co.jp/e/cm?t=erikun03-22&o=9&p=8&l=as1&asins=B006M4RN3U&ref=tf_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  Some Nights



Used to go to this shop (years ago) for getting post card. 
I could not believe it was same shop yeasterday... because still same nice woody door but inside through the window, I can see only comic hero's cards for kids.
Went to inside, then found the nice cards. ( small corner) Owner said times are changing.

昔と同じドアなのにガラス越しに見える中の商品をみてびっくり。 アニメのキャラクターカードばかりなのです。 すみっこに昔はメインにおいてあったアートのカードを見つけて一安心。

Coffee tour 7

  Friend and I went cafe. Their shop is so cozy.

 They are going to close their shop middle of next month and I just found it.. I am sure many people
sad about closing news.
We had a home made lemon cake too. That was great.



Chinese herbal Lunch

Went to Chinese herb pharmacy/cafe today.
when you start eating, your body feel warm.

Pharmacist(owner)'s mother cooks lunch.         They serve you Chinese herbal tea after meal.
Only 3 different kind of menu you can chose. I had a won-ton soup, millet&rice, spinach&sesame sauce and other root vegetables. 


shop name: Ayagokoro

Lehmann Maupin Gallery

The place I would like to go now is Lehmann Maupin Gallery in New York city.

Sometimes I really care about art other time care music.( always love both of them)
now I think I care art.

  They are having Juergen Teller's  photograph.


ファッションフォトが多いですが、動物などを撮ってもすばらしい作品だなと思います。 有名なモデル、デザイナーのファッションの写真で知られています。



Sun protection

 I am going to tropical island this weekend with friend.

  I love terra-cotta color skin but also need to protect my skin.

 own several sun protections at home but going to bring these 2 for sure this time.

 one is from Chanel 50SPF use for on face and other one for the body.(Sunblock with insect repellent!)


cookbook 3 Vietnamese

   I like Vietnamese food.( Indonesian is #1) They eat a lot of vegetable. Because of spice and there tasty flavor even you are not vege eater you will enjoy them.
love rice noodle & rice paper roll.






Could see one of my faviorite artist Henri Rousseau's paintings.(and others)

アンリ・ルソー 「散歩(ビュット=ショーモン)」 葉書(はがき) 【世田谷美術館オリジナル】 This is just a post card but I saw Real one!  I enjoyed Luis Vivin and Basquiat too.

all arts came from Setagaya (Tokyo) Art Museum. Most of artist in this exhibition did not go to art school and start painting over 40 years old. Some of them were mail man or maid.

この小さな展示会にいけてよかったです。年を取ってから絵画を始めたりもとメイドや郵便配達員だった人などが世に残る絵画の作家になったなんて本当にすばらしい。そして皆さん80才を超えてもある人は最高齢で101歳まで絵を描き続けました。 バスキアの作品も見ることができました。


antique shop

 went to nice antique and order made furniture shop today. They have nice antique cameras too.
would like to order coffee table from them soon. But could not meet the person in charge for furniture today so hopefuly can visit there soon again. 


Style Icon 4 India Hicks

http://www.indiahicks.com/about/   This is her site.


She is the creator of an all-natural body-and-home-fragrance line with Crabtree& Evelyn. formar fashion model. Her father was a interior designer David Hicks.

  大好きなアイコンの一人インディア・ヒックス。お父さんが有名なインテリアデザイナーで彼女もバハマに住みアイランドライフの素敵なインテリアの本を書いています。ホームフレグランスのラインも持っています。子供のときにプリンセス・ダイアナのブライドメイドをしました。 子供が4人いてとても素敵なお母さんです。

One of her book ↓




 I have been struggled how to keep my necklace and pierced earrings specially small peaces
 without tangled.  Do not like typical jewerly case (or box) then found this at MUJI shop.
 You can order online.

見つけたのが無印良品のアクリルケースです。 大げさなジュエリーケースが嫌いなのでこれはありがたい。


Good match

Love both of them
 singer:Yukimi from Little Dragon
 music:Shuya Okino

       I own both of their albums but did not know they work together.

  try little dragon's album too. you will enjoy her unique voice.

being Flexible

     One of my favorite magazine is SHAPE.

 They had a good article about Stretching. Each of the exercises they showed in this magazine is a dynamic stretch. It will increases flexibility through movement, rather than by simply holding a position.
I've been doing this and every time feel So great!

1 Plie Reach (stretches inner and outer thighs, arms, shoulders, and back)
    ● Stand with feet wide, toes turned out and raise arms overhead.
    ● Squat deep and lower arms in front of you, elbows touching knees and palms facing forward.
    ● Pull right shoulder back as you raise right arm, then twist in opposite direction, raising left arm, Rise up
       to starting position. Do 8 times.

2 Low Lunge (Stretches legs, butt, and back)
   ● Lunge forward with left leg untill thigh is parallel to floor, and place hands on floor on either side of left
   ● Rause left arm straight up toward ceilling as you rotate left shoulder back.
      Lower hand to starting position.

  They had 6 diffrent stretches but I shere with you only 2.

体にもやさしいしお薦めです。 英語ですが、6つ紹介されていたうちの2つを書いてみました。


for dry lips

      This is very good product for someone who has dry lips. I have a lot of lip balms. This is the best so far.
      spf 20.

      ハンディベイビー ハニーリップエッセンス



Shopping 2

 My mother and I orderd some clothes yesterday from the site call YOOX.

 I thought only they have English site and could not shop from Japan but I was wrong.

If you order over 15000yen shipping fee will be free. (even international )

 here is Japanese site

 without /jp it will be English site.

母と利用して買い物をしました。 私はブラウス、スカート、靴をオーダー。母はジャケット、シャツ、スカートをオーダーしました。もともとの値段が全部で○○万円くらい?のはずが、セールのセール値段で5万円切りました。 15000円以上の買い物で国際郵便料がただになります。

メンズ、ペットグッズもあります。 バレンチノ、セリーヌ、コムデギャルソン、ジル・サンダーなど


Bon Iver

He got Grammy Award!  What a beautiful song.

<a href="http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B004XE0P5E/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=erikun03-22&linkCode=as2&camp=247&creative=1211&creativeASIN=B004XE0P5E">Bon Iver</a><img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.jp/e/ir?t=erikun03-22&l=as2&o=9&a=B004XE0P5E" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

Au revoir Taipei (movie)

 whatched Movie call Au revoir Taipei
 I am planing to go to Taiwan (Taipei and Taichong) this Summer.
have been there before long time ago so wanted to see recent city.
There is one of my favorite musium call National Palace Musium.
would love to visit there again.

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0070WGZ4G/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=blase-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0070WGZ4G">Au Revoir Taipei DVD (Region Free) (English subtitled)</a><img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=blase-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B0070WGZ4G" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

夏に台湾の台北と台中に行く予定があります。すでに一度行ったことがありますが最近の台湾が見たくて「台北の朝、僕は恋をする」を見ました。ほんわかとした雰囲気のラブストーリーです。屋台の料理がおいしそうです。 とても好きな博物館の一つ故宮博物館へ行くのも楽しみにしています。   


BIG size

love john masters organics shampoo.
they are running campaign now so I could order big size.
always love to have big size bottle.


 35fl oz. 4 times bigger than normal bottle. I miss the price in America...in Japan too expensive and they charge higher price for conditioning than shampoo.(in U.S same price)

思っていました。 今回キャンペーンで1リットル強のボトルが限定発売されたので購入しました。うれしいです。 半年に一度と言っていましたが、3ヶ月に一度くらい売り出して欲しいです。

Aleksander Mikhailovich Rodchenko (Art)

    Алекса́ндр Миха́йлович Ро́дченко

   He  was a Russian artist,scluptor,photographer and graphic designer.He was one of the founders

  of constractivism and Russian design.


   I like his point of view when he took pictures.


Cool pics

   check this blog!



   better than check the fasion magazines?

   great pictures by Tommy Ton.

   snap photos at fashion shows.

 下手なファッション雑誌をチェックするよりスタイリッシュで面白い!↑ ブログ見てください。
> you can see the pictures much bigger size.


Classic music and movie

 I do love classic music.

 used to play flute ( still own one).
when I was little around 7 fall in love with Jean-Pierre Rampal's play.(J.S.Bach)

If you have a chance check this movie too. Francis Coppola's Life without Zoe (when you look for this serch
New York Stories because this is an omnibus film)



バッハ:フルート・ソナタ集<a href="http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00005G7YG/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=erikun03-22&linkCode=as2&camp=247&creative=7399&creativeASIN=B00005G7YG">バッハ:フルート・ソナタ集</a><img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.jp/e/ir?t=erikun03-22&l=as2&o=9&a=B00005G7YG" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

ニューヨークストーリーズという映画があります。オムニバス映画で一つはコッポラ監督が作ったもので「ゾイのいない人生」という題です。ゾイの父親がフルート奏者でコレを見るとランパルを思い出します。 コッポラ監督の娘ソフィアが若干15歳ほどで初めて映画のスタイリストとして活躍しています。(ゾイが学校に来ていく洋服はシャネル!)
ニューヨーク・ストーリー [DVD]

Scared of farts

     I love these 2 videos from YouTube. They are SO cute and funny!! Both of dogs have face expression.

   He did no do anything but when his owner makes sound ..then he smells his butt....and try to run.

    少し下品でスミマセン。 おならの音が大嫌いな犬達の映像です。 飼い主が大きな音をならすとパニックになり逃げようとします。 もう顔の表情が豊かで笑います。 上の画像の犬は自分はなにもしていないのに自分のお尻のにおいをかいで確認します。あーかわいい。




I can't stop (music)

by Flux Pavillion.

                sorry some of you do not like this music because just keep singing I can't stop.

英国のBBCがその年にブレイクしそうな新人アーティストを発表する「BBC SOUND OF 2012」
のノミネートが発表されてその中の一つがフラックス パビリオンです。
最初から最後までI can't stop ♪と言っているのであまりコレが好きではない人もみえるかと思いますが・・・・

Style Icon 3 Carine Roitfeld

120125paris_01.jpg photo by Karl Lagerfeld

 Her name is Carine. She is the muse of Tom Ford and former French Vogue chief editor.
Fashion people call her Tastemaker’s taste maker.
She is going to publish her own magazine this coming Sep! (4 times a year) Looking forward to see them.


cool i Pad case.

    I was checking rugby.com blog as usual and found this cool&cute i Pad case!

                 It looks like a book this title is famous War&Peace.
                       try  http://www.uncommongoods.com/product/ipad-kindle-book-case-war-peace

とてもかわいいi Pad ケース発見! 普通の本に見えます。タイトルも有名な「戦争と平和」

art site

   if you are interested in owning contemporary art check this site.



    this site is a private flash sale site completely devoted to various types of art.





cook book again.(2) Indonesian

 Going to cook Indonesian Fried Chicken(Ayam goreng) tonight.
I think I like Indonesian fuud best. They use Lemon grass a lot.   ↓ for Indonesian food.

<iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=blase-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=068154015X&ref=tf_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Just got new book today.PARIYA is cafe & deli in Tokyo.
Lots of vegetable in their  recipe book. It is nice If they make this book in English too!
↓ for PARIYA
<iframe src="http://rcm-jp.amazon.co.jp/e/cm?t=erikun03-22&o=9&p=8&l=as1&asins=4757218958&ref=tf_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>


Etta Scollo

She is an Italian singer and songwriter.  Her music combines traditional Sicilian music, pop and jazz.
You can find this song in her album name Blu.



The book

This  book I treasure very much since I was 4th grade.

First published in U.S.S.R. 1937 by Jan L. Larry.

I try to find this book at U.S and Japanese Amazon but they did not have it.

This is great book for kids to love nature much better than any movie about micro-world.





I know you can not see well this shop on picture. This shop has an arts, books, antiques from Sweden and ethnic accessories.  Cozy atmosphere you will think I will come this place again to
欲しくなりました。 アンティークのシャンデリアやライトも素敵でした。

Coffee tour 6

This cafe is amazing!!!!

 Feel like I don't need to serch good cafe anymore.

Thanks for taking me to this great cafe Miss. Green.
and sorry I did not use your pic for this blog. It was very nice one but my bad angle picture can keep this cafe mystery.

Would like to try all of their coffee.    


cool blog 2

found cool blog.

   Into The Gloss


そこをクリックすると the topshelf があって私はそこを見るのが好きです。





I've got introduced by Miss. Green this fabulous sweets shop other day.

 Since then I can't remember how many times I went there.  This is an apple tart .

shop name: Vivienne



cherry-blossom at night.

Waiting for Spring.
Have you ever been night cherry-blossom viewing?

     Hope to go again this year.

Club Des Belugas!

Planing to go to island vacation end of this month and taking their music with me.
           Early Daiquiris

        same artist different album.    Wearing out my shoes


<a href="http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B001131XP6/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=erikun03-22&linkCode=as2&camp=247&creative=1211&creativeASIN=B001131XP6">Swop</a><img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.jp/e/ir?t=erikun03-22&l=as2&o=9&a=B001131XP6" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

Club des Belugas is one of the leading Nujazz projects in Germany, perhaps in Europe.
They combine contemporary European Lounge & Nujazz Styles with Brazilian Beats, Swing and
American Black Soul of the fifties, sixties and seventies using their unique creativity and intensity.




Went to Korea last year. Just wanted to upload pics.

Asian ginseng. If price is cheap it came from China if expensive from Korea.sorry about someone's butt in pic.You can enjoy fresh fruits in Korea better than Japan.
Sorry, could not help to show this pic. I even did not ask what are they use for...
went to herb treatments clinic too.(for beauty!)
clinic name is 廣東漢方病院.

Snow and trees

We had snow last night and I am trying to show these pics to my friends in other country now.
It is nice If I could go to snowboarding!!

http://www.pina-film.de/en/  this is the site the movie call PINA.I am going to watch.
by Wim Wenders
She was a German performer of modern dance,choreographer,dance teacher and ballet director.



Movie and Food

 Today I am going to cook Classic Italian Lasagna.
Recipe from this book Everyday Italian.

If you need motivation to cook watch this movie.
  When I see the movie or recipe book (with photos) and find what I want to eat I feel OH, I MUST EAT THAT RIGHT NOW! so I start checking what I have in the fridge or need to go to grocery then start cooking. Until I eat that specific meal I don't  feel happy.



Movie. Hands across the table.

 I love Carole Lombard very much.

                        She was in original Mr.and Mrs.Smith.
She was beautiful, well known for an earthy sense of humor and down-to-earth personality.
She married with Clark Gable. 

Hands across the table is Romans and comedy.  (manicurist looking for a rich husband)

実生活ではクラーク・ゲーブルと結婚していました。飛行機事故で33歳の若さでなくなってしまいました。 性格がさばさば、男前な方だったそうです。